Source code for normalize.diff

# This file is a part of the normalize python library
# normalize is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the MIT License.
# normalize is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# MIT License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the MIT license along with
# normalize.  If not, refer to the upstream repository at

from __future__ import absolute_import

import collections
from itertools import chain
from itertools import product
import re
import types
import unicodedata

from richenum import OrderedRichEnum
from richenum import OrderedRichEnumValue

from import SafeProperty
from normalize.coll import Collection
from normalize.coll import ListCollection
import normalize.exc as exc
from normalize.record import Record
from normalize.record import record_id
from normalize.selector import FieldSelector
from normalize.selector import MultiFieldSelector

[docs]class DiffTypes(OrderedRichEnum): """ A :py:class:`richenum.OrderedRichEnum` type to denote the type of an individual difference. """ class EnumValue(OrderedRichEnumValue): pass NO_CHANGE = EnumValue(1, "none", "UNCHANGED") ADDED = EnumValue(2, "added", "ADDED") REMOVED = EnumValue(3, "removed", "REMOVED") MODIFIED = EnumValue(4, "modified", "MODIFIED")
def _coerce_diff(dt): if not isinstance(dt, OrderedRichEnumValue): if isinstance(dt, (int, long)): dt = DiffTypes.from_index(dt) else: dt = DiffTypes.from_canonical(dt) return dt
[docs]class DiffInfo(Record): """ Container for storing diff information that can be used to reconstruct the values diffed. """ diff_type = SafeProperty( coerce=_coerce_diff, isa=DiffTypes.EnumValue, empty_attr=None, required=True, doc="Enumeration describing the type of difference; a " ":py:class:`DiffType` value.") base = SafeProperty( isa=FieldSelector, required=True, doc="A FieldSelector object referring to the location within the " "base object that the changed field was found. If the " "``diff_type`` is ``DiffTypes.ADDED``, then this will be the " "location of the record the field was added in, not the " "(non-existant) field itself.", ) other = SafeProperty( isa=FieldSelector, required=True, doc="A FieldSelector object referring to the location within the " "'other' object that the changed field was found. If the " "``diff_type`` is ``DiffTypes.REMOVED``, then this will be " "location of the record the field was removed from, not the " "(non-existant) field itself.", ) def __str__(self): if self.base.path != self.other.path: pathinfo = ( self.base.path if ( len(self.base) > len(self.other) and self.base.startswith(self.other) ) else self.other.path if ( len(self.other) > len(self.base) and self.other.startswith(self.base) ) else "(%s/%s)" % (self.base.path, self.other.path) ) else: pathinfo = self.other.path difftype = self.diff_type.display_name return "<DiffInfo: %s %s>" % (difftype, pathinfo)
class _Nothing(object): def __repr__(self): return "(not set)" _nothing = _Nothing()
[docs]class DiffOptions(object): """Optional data structure to pass diff options down. Some functions are delegated to this object, allowing for further customization of operation, forming the *DiffOptions sub-class API*. """ _nothing = _nothing
[docs] def __init__(self, ignore_ws=True, ignore_case=False, unicode_normal=True, unchanged=False, ignore_empty_slots=False, ignore_empty_items=False, duck_type=False, extraneous=False, compare_filter=None, fuzzy_match=True): """Create a new ``DiffOptions`` instance. args: ``ignore_ws=``\ *BOOL* Ignore whitespace in strings (beginning, end and middle). True by default. ``ignore_case=``\ *BOOL* Ignore case differences in strings. False by default. ``unicode_normal=``\ *BOOL* Ignore unicode normal form differences in strings by normalizing to NFC before comparison. True by default. ``unchanged=``\ *BOOL* Yields ``DiffInfo`` objects for every comparison, not just those which found a difference. Defaults to False. Useful for testing. ``ignore_empty_slots=``\ *BOOL* If true, slots containing typical 'empty' values (by default, just ``''`` and ``None``) are treated as if they were not set. False by default. ``ignore_empty_items=``\ *BOOL* If true, items are considered to be absent from collections if they have all ``None``, not set, or ``''`` in their primary key fields (all compared fields in the absence of a primary key definition). False by default. ``duck_type=``\ *BOOL* Normally, types must match or the result will always be :py:attr:`normalize.diff.DiffTypes.MODIFIED` and the comparison will not descend further. However, setting this option bypasses this check, and just checks that the 'other' object has all of the properties defined on the 'base' type. This can be used to check progress when porting from other object systems to normalize. ``fuzzy_match=``\ *BOOL* Enable approximate matching of items in collections, so that finer granularity of changes are available. ``compare_filter=``\ *MULTIFIELDSELECTOR*\ \|\ *LIST_OF_LISTS* Restrict comparison to the fields described by the passed :py:class:`MultiFieldSelector` (or list of FieldSelector lists/objects) """ self.ignore_ws = ignore_ws self.ignore_case = ignore_case self.ignore_empty_slots = ignore_empty_slots self.ignore_empty_items = ignore_empty_items self.unicode_normal = unicode_normal self.fuzzy_match = fuzzy_match self.unchanged = unchanged self.duck_type = duck_type self.extraneous = extraneous if isinstance(compare_filter, (MultiFieldSelector, types.NoneType)): self.compare_filter = compare_filter else: self.compare_filter = MultiFieldSelector(*compare_filter)
[docs] def items_equal(self, a, b): """Sub-class hook which performs value comparison. Only called for comparisons which are not Records.""" return a == b
[docs] def normalize_whitespace(self, value): """Normalizes whitespace; called if ``ignore_ws`` is true.""" if isinstance(value, unicode): return u" ".join( x for x in re.split(r'\s+', value, flags=re.UNICODE) if len(x) ) else: return " ".join(value.split())
[docs] def normalize_unf(self, value): """Normalizes Unicode Normal Form (to NFC); called if ``unicode_normal`` is true.""" if isinstance(value, unicode): return unicodedata.normalize('NFC', value) else: return value
[docs] def normalize_case(self, value): """Normalizes Case (to upper case); called if ``ignore_case`` is true.""" # FIXME: this will do the wrong thing for letters in some languages, eg # Greek, Turkish. Correct, locale-dependent unicode case folding is # left as an exercise for a subclass. return value.upper()
[docs] def value_is_empty(self, value): """This method decides whether the value is 'empty', and hence the same as not specified. Called if ``ignore_empty_slots`` is true. Checking the value for emptiness happens *after* all other normalization. """ return (not value and isinstance(value, (basestring, types.NoneType)))
[docs] def normalize_text(self, value): """This hook is called by :py:meth:`DiffOptions.normalize_val` if the value (after slot/item normalization) is a string, and is responsible for calling the various ``normalize_``\ foo methods which act on text. """ if self.ignore_ws: value = self.normalize_whitespace(value) if self.ignore_case: value = self.normalize_case(value) if self.unicode_normal: value = self.normalize_unf(value) return value
[docs] def normalize_val(self, value=_nothing): """Hook which is called on every value before comparison, and should return the scrubbed value or ``self._nothing`` to indicate that the value is not set. """ if isinstance(value, basestring): value = self.normalize_text(value) if self.ignore_empty_slots and self.value_is_empty(value): value = _nothing return value
[docs] def normalize_slot(self, value=_nothing, prop=None): """Hook which is called on every *record slot*; this is a way to perform context-aware clean-ups. args: ``value=``\ *nothing*\ \|\ *anything* The value in the slot. *nothing* can be detected in sub-class methods as ``self._nothing``. ``prop=``\ *PROPERTY* The slot's :py:class:`` instance. If this instance has a ``compare_as`` method, then that method is called to perform a clean-up before the value is passed to ``normalize_val`` """ return self.normalize_val(value)
def normalize_object_slot(self, value=_nothing, prop=None, obj=None): """This hook wraps ``normalize_slot``, and performs clean-ups which require access to the object the slot is in as well as the value. """ if value is not _nothing and hasattr(prop, "compare_as"): method, nargs = getattr(prop, "compare_as_info", (False, 1)) args = [] if method: args.append(obj) if nargs: args.append(value) value = prop.compare_as(*args) return self.normalize_slot(value, prop)
[docs] def normalize_item(self, value=_nothing, coll=None, index=None): """Hook which is called on every *collection item*; this is a way to perform context-aware clean-ups. args: ``value=``\ *nothing*\ \|\ *anything* The value in the collection slot. *nothing* can be detected in sub-class methods as ``self._nothing``. ``coll=``\ *COLLECTION* The parent :py:class:`normalize.coll.Collection` instance. If this instance has a ``compare_item_as`` method, then that method is called to perform a clean-up before the value is passed to ``normalize_val`` ``index=``\ *HASHABLE* The key of the item in the collection. """ if value is not _nothing and hasattr(coll, "compare_item_as"): value = coll.compare_item_as(value) return self.normalize_val(value)
[docs] def record_id(self, record, type_=None, selector=None): """Retrieve an object identifier from the given record; if it is an alien class, and the type is provided, then use duck typing to get the corresponding fields of the alien class.""" pk = record_id(record, type_, selector, self.normalize_object_slot) return pk
def id_args(self, type_, fs): options = dict() if self.duck_type: options['type_'] = type_ if self.compare_filter: if len(fs): options['selector'] = self.compare_filter[fs][any] else: options['selector'] = self.compare_filter[any] return options def is_filtered(self, prop, fs): if not self.extraneous and prop.extraneous: return True return self.compare_filter and not self.compare_filter[fs]
[docs]def compare_record_iter(a, b, fs_a=None, fs_b=None, options=None): """This generator function compares a record, slot by slot, and yields differences found as ``DiffInfo`` objects. args: ``a=``\ *Record* The base object ``b=``\ *Record*\ \|\ *object* The 'other' object, which must be the same type as ``a``, unless ``options.duck_type`` is set. ``fs_a=``\ *FieldSelector\* The current diff context, prefixed to any returned ``base`` field in yielded ``DiffInfo`` objects. Defaults to an empty FieldSelector. ``fs_b=``\ *FieldSelector\* The ``other`` object context. This will differ from ``fs_a`` in the case of collections, where a value has moved slots. Defaults to an empty FieldSelector. ``options=``\ *DiffOptions\* A constructed ``DiffOptions`` object; a default one is created if not passed in. """ if not options: options = DiffOptions() if not options.duck_type and type(a) != type(b) and not ( a is _nothing or b is _nothing ): raise TypeError( "cannot compare %s with %s" % (type(a).__name__, type(b).__name__) ) if fs_a is None: fs_a = FieldSelector(tuple()) fs_b = FieldSelector(tuple()) properties = ( type(a).properties if a is not _nothing else type(b).properties ) for propname in sorted(properties): prop = properties[propname] if options.is_filtered(prop, fs_a + propname): continue propval_a = options.normalize_object_slot( getattr(a, propname, _nothing), prop, a, ) propval_b = options.normalize_object_slot( getattr(b, propname, _nothing), prop, b, ) if propval_a is _nothing and propval_b is _nothing: # don't yield NO_CHANGE for fields missing on both sides continue one_side_nothing = (propval_a is _nothing) != (propval_b is _nothing) types_match = type(propval_a) == type(propval_b) comparable = ( isinstance(propval_a, COMPARABLE) or isinstance(propval_b, COMPARABLE) ) prop_fs_a = fs_a + [propname] prop_fs_b = fs_b + [propname] if comparable and ( types_match or options.duck_type or ( options.ignore_empty_slots and one_side_nothing ) ): if one_side_nothing: diff_types_found = set() for type_union, func in COMPARE_FUNCTIONS.iteritems(): if isinstance(propval_a, type_union) or one_side_nothing and ( isinstance(propval_b, type_union) ): for diff in func( propval_a, propval_b, prop_fs_a, prop_fs_b, options, ): if one_side_nothing: if diff.diff_type != DiffTypes.NO_CHANGE: diff_types_found.add(diff.diff_type) else: yield diff if one_side_nothing: net_diff = None if diff_types_found: assert(len(diff_types_found) == 1) net_diff = tuple(diff_types_found)[0] elif options.unchanged: net_diff = DiffTypes.NO_CHANGE if net_diff: yield DiffInfo( diff_type=net_diff, base=prop_fs_a, other=prop_fs_b, ) elif one_side_nothing: yield DiffInfo( diff_type=( DiffTypes.ADDED if propval_a is _nothing else DiffTypes.REMOVED ), base=fs_a + [propname], other=fs_b + [propname], ) elif not options.items_equal(propval_a, propval_b): yield DiffInfo( diff_type=DiffTypes.MODIFIED, base=fs_a + [propname], other=fs_b + [propname], ) elif options.unchanged: yield DiffInfo( diff_type=DiffTypes.NO_CHANGE, base=fs_a + [propname], other=fs_b + [propname], )
[docs]def collection_generator(collection): """This function returns a generator which iterates over the collection, similar to Collection.itertuples(). Collections are viewed by this module, regardless of type, as a mapping from an index to the value. For sets, the "index" is the value itself (ie, (V, V)). For dicts, it's a string, and for lists, it's an int. In general, this function defers to ``itertuples`` and/or ``iteritems`` methods defined on the instances; however, when duck typing, this function typically provides the generator. """ if collection is _nothing: def generator(): if False: yield any elif hasattr(collection, "itertuples"): return collection.itertuples() elif hasattr(collection, "iteritems"): return collection.iteritems() elif hasattr(collection, "__getitem__"): def generator(): i = 0 for item in collection: yield (i, item) i += 1 else: def generator(): for item in collection: yield (item, item) return generator()
def _nested_falsy(x): if isinstance(x, tuple): return not all(not _nested_falsy(y) for y in x) else: return x is _nothing or not x def _nested_empty(x): if isinstance(x, tuple): return all(_nested_empty(y) for y in x) else: return x is _nothing or x is None or x is '' def _fuzzy_match(set_a, set_b): seen = dict() scores = list() # Yes, this is O(n.m), but python's equality operator is # fast for hashable types. for a_pk_seq, b_pk_seq in product(set_a, set_b): a_pk, a_seq = a_pk_seq b_pk, b_seq = b_pk_seq if (a_pk, b_pk) in seen: if seen[a_pk, b_pk][0]: score = list(seen[a_pk, b_pk]) scores.append(score + [a_pk_seq, b_pk_seq]) else: match = 0 common = min((len(a_pk), len(b_pk))) no_match = max((len(a_pk), len(b_pk))) - common for i in range(0, common): if a_pk[i] == b_pk[i]: if not _nested_falsy(a_pk[i]): match += 1 else: no_match += 1 seen[a_pk, b_pk] = (match, no_match) if match: scores.append([match, no_match, a_pk_seq, b_pk_seq]) remaining_a = set(set_a) remaining_b = set(set_b) for match, no_match, a_pk_seq, b_pk_seq in sorted( scores, key=lambda x: x[0] - x[1], reverse=True, ): if a_pk_seq in remaining_a and b_pk_seq in remaining_b: remaining_a.remove(a_pk_seq) remaining_b.remove(b_pk_seq) yield a_pk_seq, b_pk_seq if not remaining_a or not remaining_b: break # There's a lot of repetition in the following code. It could be served by one # function instead of 3, which would be 3 times fewer places to have bugs, but # it would probably also be more than 3 times as difficult to debug.
[docs]def compare_collection_iter(propval_a, propval_b, fs_a=None, fs_b=None, options=None): """Generator function to compare two collections, and yield differences. This function does not currently report moved items in collections, and uses the :py:meth:`DiffOptions.record_id` method to decide if objects are to be considered the same, and differences within returned. Arguments are the same as :py:func:`compare_record_iter`. Note that ``diff_iter`` and ``compare_record_iter`` will call *both* this function and ``compare_record_iter`` on ``RecordList`` types. However, as most ``RecordList`` types have no extra properties, no differences are yielded by the ``compare_record_iter`` method. """ if fs_a is None: fs_a = FieldSelector(tuple()) fs_b = FieldSelector(tuple()) if options is None: options = DiffOptions() propvals = dict(a=propval_a, b=propval_b) values = dict() rev_keys = dict() compare_values = None coll_type = ( type(propval_a) if propval_a is not _nothing else type(propval_b) ) force_descent = (propval_a is _nothing) or (propval_b is _nothing) id_args = options.id_args(coll_type.itemtype, fs_a) if 'selector' in id_args and not id_args['selector']: # early exit shortcut return for x in "a", "b": propval_x = propvals[x] vals = values[x] = set() rev_key = rev_keys[x] = dict() seen = collections.Counter() for k, v in collection_generator(propval_x): pk = options.record_id(v, **id_args) if options.ignore_empty_items and _nested_empty(pk): continue if compare_values is None: # the primary key being a tuple is taken to imply that # the value type is a Record, and hence descent is # possible. compare_values = isinstance(pk, tuple) vals.add((pk, seen[pk])) rev_key[(pk, seen[pk])] = k seen[pk] += 1 removed = values['a'] - values['b'] added = values['b'] - values['a'] common = values['a'].intersection(values['b']) if compare_values or force_descent: descendable = (removed | added) if force_descent else common for pk, seq in descendable: if not force_descent or propval_a is not _nothing: a_key = rev_keys['a'][pk, seq] a_val = propval_a[a_key] if not force_descent or propval_b is not _nothing: b_key = rev_keys['b'][pk, seq] b_val = propval_b[b_key] if force_descent: if propval_a is _nothing: a_key = b_key a_val = _nothing else: b_key = a_key b_val = _nothing selector_a = fs_a + a_key selector_b = fs_b + b_key # FIXME: collections of collections! for diff in compare_record_iter( a_val, b_val, selector_a, selector_b, options, ): yield diff if not force_descent and options.fuzzy_match: for a_pk_seq, b_pk_seq in _fuzzy_match(removed, added): removed.remove(a_pk_seq) added.remove(b_pk_seq) a_key = rev_keys['a'][a_pk_seq] a_val = propval_a[a_key] b_key = rev_keys['b'][b_pk_seq] b_val = propval_b[b_key] selector_a = fs_a + a_key selector_b = fs_b + b_key any_diffs = False for diff in compare_record_iter( a_val, b_val, selector_a, selector_b, options, ): if diff.diff_type != DiffTypes.NO_CHANGE: any_diffs = True yield diff if options.unchanged and not any_diffs: yield DiffInfo( diff_type=DiffTypes.NO_CHANGE, base=fs_a + [a_key], other=fs_b + [b_key], ) if options.unchanged: unchanged = values['a'] & values['b'] for pk, seq in unchanged: a_key = rev_keys['a'][pk, seq] b_key = rev_keys['b'][pk, seq] yield DiffInfo( diff_type=DiffTypes.NO_CHANGE, base=fs_a + [a_key], other=fs_b + [b_key], ) if not force_descent: for pk, seq in removed: a_key = rev_keys['a'][pk, seq] selector = fs_a + [a_key] yield DiffInfo( diff_type=DiffTypes.REMOVED, base=selector, other=fs_b, ) for pk, seq in added: b_key = rev_keys['b'][pk, seq] selector = fs_b + [b_key] yield DiffInfo( diff_type=DiffTypes.ADDED, base=fs_a, other=selector, )
[docs]def compare_list_iter(propval_a, propval_b, fs_a=None, fs_b=None, options=None): """Generator for comparing 'simple' lists when they are encountered. This does not currently recurse further. Arguments are as per other ``compare_``\ *X* functions. """ if fs_a is None: fs_a = FieldSelector(tuple()) fs_b = FieldSelector(tuple()) if not options: options = DiffOptions() propvals = dict(a=propval_a, b=propval_b) values = dict() indices = dict() for x in "a", "b": propval_x = propvals[x] vals = values[x] = set() rev_key = indices[x] = dict() seen = collections.Counter() for i, v in collection_generator(propval_x): v = options.normalize_item( v, propval_a if options.duck_type else propval_x ) if not v.__hash__: v = repr(v) if v is not _nothing or not options.ignore_empty_slots: vals.add((v, seen[v])) rev_key[(v, seen[v])] = i seen[v] += 1 removed = values['a'] - values['b'] added = values['b'] - values['a'] if options.unchanged: unchanged = values['a'] & values['b'] for v, seq in unchanged: a_idx = indices['a'][v, seq] b_idx = indices['b'][v, seq] yield DiffInfo( diff_type=DiffTypes.NO_CHANGE, base=fs_a + [a_idx], other=fs_b + [b_idx], ) for v, seq in removed: a_key = indices['a'][v, seq] selector = fs_a + [a_key] yield DiffInfo( diff_type=DiffTypes.REMOVED, base=selector, other=fs_b, ) for v, seq in added: b_key = indices['b'][v, seq] selector = fs_b + [b_key] yield DiffInfo( diff_type=DiffTypes.ADDED, base=fs_a, other=selector, )
[docs]def compare_dict_iter(propval_a, propval_b, fs_a=None, fs_b=None, options=None): """Generator for comparing 'simple' dicts when they are encountered. This does not currently recurse further. Arguments are as per other ``compare_``\ *X* functions. """ if fs_a is None: fs_a = FieldSelector(tuple()) fs_b = FieldSelector(tuple()) if not options: options = DiffOptions() propvals = dict(a=propval_a, b=propval_b) values = dict() rev_keys = dict() for x in "a", "b": propval_x = propvals[x] vals = values[x] = set() rev_key = rev_keys[x] = dict() seen = collections.Counter() for k, v in collection_generator(propval_x): v = options.normalize_item( v, propval_a if options.duck_type else propval_x ) if not v.__hash__: v = repr(v) if v is not _nothing or not options.ignore_empty_slots: vals.add((v, seen[v])) rev_key[(v, seen[v])] = k seen[v] += 1 removed = values['a'] - values['b'] added = values['b'] - values['a'] if options.unchanged: unchanged = values['a'] & values['b'] for v, seq in unchanged: a_key = rev_keys['a'][v, seq] b_key = rev_keys['b'][v, seq] yield DiffInfo( diff_type=DiffTypes.NO_CHANGE, base=fs_a + [a_key], other=fs_b + [b_key], ) for v, seq in removed: a_key = rev_keys['a'][v, seq] selector = fs_a + [a_key] yield DiffInfo( diff_type=DiffTypes.REMOVED, base=selector, other=fs_b, ) for v, seq in added: b_key = rev_keys['b'][v, seq] selector = fs_b + [b_key] yield DiffInfo( diff_type=DiffTypes.ADDED, base=fs_a, other=selector, )
COMPARE_FUNCTIONS = { list: compare_list_iter, tuple: compare_list_iter, dict: compare_dict_iter, Collection: compare_collection_iter, Record: compare_record_iter, } COMPARABLE = tuple(COMPARE_FUNCTIONS)
[docs]def diff_iter(base, other, options=None, **kwargs): """Compare a Record with another object (usually a record of the same type), and yield differences as :py:class:`DiffInfo` instances. args: ``base=``\ *Record* The 'base' object to compare against. The enumeration in :py:class:`DiffTypes` is relative to this object. ``other=``\ *Record*\ \|\ *<object>* The 'other' object to compare against. If ``duck_type`` is not true, then it must be of the same type as the ``base``. ``**kwargs`` Specify comparison options: ``duck_type``, ``ignore_ws``, etc. See :py:meth:`normalize.diff.DiffOptions.__init__` for the complete list. ``options=``\ *DiffOptions instance* Pass in a pre-constructed :py:class:`DiffOptions` instance. This may not be specified along with ``**kwargs``. """ if options is None: options = DiffOptions(**kwargs) elif len(kwargs): raise exc.DiffOptionsException() generators = [] for type_union, func in COMPARE_FUNCTIONS.iteritems(): if isinstance(base, type_union): generators.append(func(base, other, options=options)) if len(generators) == 1: return generators[0] else: return chain(*generators)
[docs]class Diff(ListCollection): """Container for a list of differences.""" base_type_name = SafeProperty(isa=str, extraneous=True, doc="Type name of the source object") other_type_name = SafeProperty( isa=str, extraneous=True, doc="Type name of the compared object; normally the same, unless " "the ``duck_type`` option was specified.") itemtype = DiffInfo def __str__(self): what = ( "%s vs %s" % (self.base_type_name, self.other_type_name) if self.base_type_name != self.other_type_name else self.base_type_name ) diffstate = collections.defaultdict(list) for diff in self: if diff.diff_type == DiffTypes.ADDED: diffstate["+NEW"].append(diff.other) elif diff.diff_type == DiffTypes.REMOVED: diffstate["-OLD"].append(diff.base) elif diff.diff_type == DiffTypes.MODIFIED: if diff.base.path == diff.other.path: diffstate['<>X'].append(diff.base) else: diffstate['<->OLD'].append(diff.base) diffstate['<+>NEW'].append(diff.other) elif diff.diff_type == DiffTypes.NO_CHANGE: diffstate['==X'].append(diff.base) prefix_paths = [] for k, v in diffstate.items(): prefix_paths.append( "{prefix}({paths})".format( prefix=k, paths=MultiFieldSelector(*v).path, ) ) return "<Diff [{what}]; {n} diff(s){summary}>".format( n=len(self), what=what, summary=( ": " + "; ".join( "{prefix}({paths})".format( prefix=k, paths=MultiFieldSelector(*v).path, ) for (k, v) in diffstate.items() ) if diffstate else "" ), )
[docs]def diff(base, other, **kwargs): """Eager version of :py:func:`diff_iter`, which takes all the same options and returns a :py:class:`Diff` instance.""" return Diff(diff_iter(base, other, **kwargs), base_type_name=type(base).__name__, other_type_name=type(other).__name__)