An introduction to using normalize

This introduction is designed to first familiarize you with how “pure” normalize Records work. This core behavior is important to learn, as it will avoid surprises later.

It is not normally the way of python to labor over object definitions and type declarations. But it is these definitions that drive the useful applications of the module: converting to and from JSON, deep object comparison, etc.

Thankfully, very little is compulsory, for instance most of the time you probably don’t really need to declare what type a field is. The default JSON marshall in function ignores unknown keys, so you can also just declare the keys you care about extracting.

This tutorial should help you see the purpose of the various parts of the declaration API, so that you can write your classes in minimal, pythonic style.

Basic Records and Properties

normalize is built around two core concepts: records, and properties.

To start, declare a class, based off Record, and its properties:

from normalize import Property, Record

class Star(Record):
    hip_id = Property(isa=int, required=True)
    name = Property(isa=str)
    spectral_type = Property(isa=str)

Once you have done this, you can create instances in a hopefully unsurprising way:

>>> maia = Star(hip_id=17573,
>>> maia
Star(hip_id=17573, name='maia', spectral_type='B8III')
>>> eval(repr(maia)) == maia

You can also construct from dict objects and other objects which implement collections.Mapping to a sufficient level:

>>> maia = Star({"hip_id": 17573,
                 "name": "maia"})

One of the things that distinguishes normalize from other similar libraries is that it supports type information on properties, along with constraints. These are not required, but allow some useful applications, such as validation and marshalling. They also allow programming mistakes to be discovered earlier, by throwing an error when the first incorrect assignment is made, rather than later.

The hip_id property was declared to be required, so unsurprisingly, if you try to create an object without it, you get an exception:

>>> Star()
ValueError: Star.hip_id is required

(for brevity, in this document, tracebacks will be omitted from the python interpreter output).

In addition to marking properties as required, you can pass a check function, which must return something true-ish for the value to pass:

>>> class Star(Record):
       hip_id = Property(isa=int, required=True,
                         check=lambda x: 0 < x < 120000)
       name = Property(isa=str)
       spectral_type = Property(isa=str)

>>> Star(hip_id=150000)
ValueError: Star.hip_id value '150000' failed type check

For instance, if we put a string into the hip_id field, then we can expect an error:

>>> maia.hip_id = "HIP17573"
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'HIP17573'

Unless, that is, the value is accepted by the int constructor:

>>> maia.hip_id = "17573"
>>> maia.hip_id

What happened was that the passed value did not satisfy the type constraint (ie, the type passed to isa). So, the descriptor started coercion.


Adding any of the three type constraint options to a Property (isa=, required=, or check=) automatically mixes in the ‘safe’ trait, turning your Property into a SafeProperty via the facility described in Addendum: Property MetaClass. This ensures that any rules you specify for assignment to an attribute are also caught by assignment to that attribute.

Property Type Coercion

Whenever a value is set in a property (either during initial construction or when the attribute is assigned), the type is checked to be type safe according to its definition. The rules are:

  1. is the value being assigned of the right type already?

    This is basically (literally) isinstance(value, isa) (where isa was the value you passed to isa= in the Property declaration). If so, then the coerce function is not called because the value is already considered to be of the correct type.

    You can pass a tuple of types to isa=, as well. For a while, this worked entirely by accident. But it has a good basis in type theory as a type union, so this happy accident is part of the formal API.

    If you didn’t declare anything to isa=, then any value (even None) gets a pass here. If you want to explicitly allow None as a value, then you must use a tuple which includes types.NoneType. Otherwise, you can expect the declared type or AttributeError when you access the attribute.

  2. If the value is not already of the right type, try to coerce it.

    Each property has a coerce function for dealing with malfeasant values. If you specified isa=, then the default is the type, because in Python, types are also constructors. This can lead to some confusion; see the gotcha section later in this introduction.

    For people coming from Perl’s Moose, this is one area where the design is a bit different in how you construct your classes, but ultimately it is equivalent in functionality.

  3. Once the value is of the right type, then check it is valid using any declared check= function.

    Most of the time you probably don’t need to bother with this, but it is there if you need it.

    Note that the check method is called after type coercion, and it is always called when a property is set: either during construction or later by assignment. If an object is constructed without the property, then it is not called.

So, let’s go back to our example. Let’s extend the definition with a check function and a custom coerce method:

def fix_id(val):
    if isinstance(val, basestring) and val.upper().startswith("HIP"):
        return int(val.upper().lstrip("HIP "))
        return int(val)

class Star(Record):
    hip_id = Property(isa=int, required=True,
                      check=lambda i: 0 < i < 120000)
    name = Property(isa=str)
    spectral_type = Property(isa=str)

Now, it’s perfectly fine to pass a value including the prefix:

>>> maia = Star(hip_id="hip17573")
>>> maia.hip_id

But if we pass an unreasonable ID, it fails:

>>> maia.hip_id = 175373
ValueError: Star.hip_id value '175373' failed type check
>>> maia.hip_id = "hip175373"
ValueError: Star.hip_id value '175373' failed type check
>>> maia.hip_id = "hop175373"
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'hop175373'
>>> maia.hip_id = None
TypeError: int() argument must be a string or a number, not 'NoneType'

The first two examples failed because they failed the check function. The second failed after type coercion, so the invalid value in the exception is the coerced value, not the original value. The third and fourth examples threw exceptions inside the coerce function.

Property Defaults and Empty psuedo-attributes

Normally, when you access an attribute which is not set, you will get an AttributeError. This is largely an artefact of Python’s core design. Typically you would guard against attributes not being set like this:

if hasattr(record, "some_property", False) and \
        record.some_property == "foo":
    # ...

However, this gets repetitive quickly. Instead, you can access the empty_attr attribute, a read-only attribute which is implicitly created, and named the same as your own attribute but with ‘0’ appended. This reduces the above to:

if record.some_property0 == "foo":
    # ...

If you don’t like the name, you can override it on a per-attribute basis using empty_attr, or define a Property type that overrides aux_props and use that property type.

One alternative way to do to this is to set defaults on attributes. It’s possible to pass a value or function to the default= parameter, to set a default value for a property in case one is not provided. That way, because there is always a value in the slot, there is no chance that AttributeError will be raised.

>>> import types
>>> class Sloppy(Record):
        anything = Property(default=None)
        goes = Property(default='')
        here = Property(default=None, isa=(types.NoneType, int))

>>> slop = Sloppy()
>>> slop
Sloppy(anything=None, goes='', here=None)

However, you should be careful with this approach. Does it really make sense for the information about whether a value is present to be “in-band” with the value? In general, default= should be reserved for true default values, and not simply to avoid the AttributeError.

Also beware that the value is assigned without consideration about whether it needs to be copied or not. For immutable value types like strings, integers, etc this is fine. For mutable lists, dictionaries, etc, it is likely to be a problem if you want to change the value after construction. An easy way around this is to supply a function that returns a new instance of the value:

>>> class Foo(Record):
...   bar = Property(default=lambda: [])
>>> Foo()

Lazy Evaluation

There is some relatively limited support for lazy evaluation in this module. It’s hardly lazy to the extent of, say, Haskell, where the compiler will defer all execution not required for IO. But, it does let you declare properties whose value depends on other properties.

For example:

import astrolib.coords as C

class Star(Record):
    hip_id = Property(isa=int, required=True)
    name = Property(isa=str)
    right_ascention = Property(isa=float)
    declination = Property(isa=float)

    def make_position(self):
        return C.Position((self.right_ascention, self.declination))

    position = Property(isa=C.Position,
                        lazy=True, default=make_position)

When first constructed, the Record has no position:

>>> tcent = Star(hip_id=68933, name="Menkent",
                 right_ascention=226.67, declination=-36.367)
>>> tcent
Star(declination=-36.367, hip_id=68933, name='Menkent', right_ascention=226.67)

However, if the position property is read, it now has that property:

>>> tcent.position
226.670000 -36.367000 (degrees)
>>> tcent
Star(declination=-36.367, hip_id=68933, name='Menkent', position=226.670000 -36.367000 (degrees), right_ascention=226.67)

Most of the time, you don’t really need lazy properties, because you can just write @property methods on the class for python users. However, they are the only way to provide a default which is an instance method, and depends on other attributes.

Lazy properties are also useful when writing properties which logically exist when marshaling data out, but are derived from multiple object property fields. (it isn’t currently possible to do this without storing the return value in the object, or sub-classing Property; patches welcome)

Properties which are Records

With nesting of data types, normalize starts to become more than just the gimmicks shown so far.

class Binary(Record):
    name = Property(isa=str)
    primary = Property(isa=Star)
    secondary = Property(isa=Star)

Now, it is possible to construct a more complicated object:

>>> cyg = Binary(name="61 Cygni",
>>> cyg
Binary(name='61 Cygni', primary=Star(hip_id=104214), secondary=Star(hip_id=104217))

This also works when using the dict constructor:

>>> cyg2 = Binary({"name": "61 Cygni",
                   "primary": {"hip_id": 104214},
                   "secondary": {"hip_id": 104217}})
>>> cyg == cyg2

Properties which are Lists of Records

It’s also possible to make properties which are lists of records:

from normalize import ListProperty

class StarSystem(Record):
    name = Property(isa=str)
    components = ListProperty(of=Star)

Now, we can construct objects with a number of sub-records in them.

>>> acent = StarSystem(name="Alpha Centauri")
>>> acent.components = ({"name": "Alpha Centauri A", "hip_id": 71683},
                        {"name": "Alpha Centauri B", "hip_id": 71681},
                        {"name": "Alpha Centauri C", "hip_id": 70890})
>>> acent
StarSystem(components=StarList([Star(hip_id=71683, name='Alpha Centauri A'), Star(hip_id=71681, name='Alpha Centauri B'), Star(hip_id=70890, name='Alpha Centauri C')]), name='Alpha Centauri')

If you look closely at the created object, there’s a type StarList. This was created as side effect of making a ListProperty(of=Star). It’s a subclass of RecordList, and supports most of the LISTMETHODS. In general, you should be able to treat it like a standard list, though there might be some methods not yet implemented.

It’s possible to create these list types as the actual collection type of a property by passing it as a coll= parameter; as in:

class StarList(RecordList):
    itemtype = Star

class StarSystem(Record):
    name = Property(isa=str)
    components = ListProperty(of=Star, coll=StarList)

This is mostly useful if you add properties or methods to the container itself.

In this situation, use of ListProperty is largely redundant. You could also just use Property(isa=StarList)

Referring to fields within Records

There is a class, FieldSelector, which allows you to select individual properties from a record:

>>> from normalize import FieldSelector
>>> name = FieldSelector(["name"])
>>> name.get(acent)
'Alpha Centauri'
>>> name.get(acent.components[1])
'Alpha Centauri B'
>>> FieldSelector(["components", 2, "hip_id"]).get(acent)

You can also use None as a wildcard, if the component at the path is a collection such as a list:

>>> FieldSelector(['components', None, "hip_id"]).get(acent)
[71683, 71681, 70890]

You can also put values in the data structure, and even add new items to collections in this way:

>>> name.put(acent, "Rigil Kent")
>>> FieldSelector(['components', 3, 'hip_id']).post(1234)
ValueError: Star.hip_id is required
>>> FieldSelector(['components', 3]).post({"hip_id": 1234})
TypeError: 'StarList' object does not support item assignment

Yes, well. It doesn’t interact well with required attributes, clearly. And that comment above about the incompleteness of RecordList is evident. One day soon hopefully!

There’s also the MultiFieldSelector, which can be used to ‘filter’ properties:

>>> from normalize.selector import MultiFieldSelector
>>> MultiFieldSelector(['components', None, "hip_id"]).get(acent)
StarSystem(components=StarList([Star(hip_id=71683), Star(hip_id=71681), Star(hip_id=70890)]))

This class can take multiple paths, and will return the intersection of all of the fields listed.

Comparing object structures

With two objects of the same type, you can compare them to see what fields are different:

>>> maia = Star(hip_id=17573,
>>> maia2 = Star(hip_id=17573,
                 name="20 Tauri",
>>> for diff in maia.diff(maia2):
        print diff
<DiffInfo: MODIFIED .name>
<DiffInfo: ADDED .spectral_type>

Each item in the returned Diff object has two FieldSelector objects which refer to where in the passed-in object structures the field that changed was (or wasn’t, in the case of ADDED or REMOVED diffs).

This comparison supports a number of comparison options, such as whether to normalize whitespace and unicode normal form (on by default) or whether to distinguish between an attribute set to an empty string, and no attribute set at all.

It’s also possible to compare against object structures which are not Record classes at all:

>>> from schematics.models import Model
>>> from schematics.types import IntType, StringType
>>> class Starmatic(Model):
        hip_id = IntType(required=True)
        name = StringType()
        spectral_type = StringType()
>>> maia3 = Starmatic({"hip_id": 17573,
                       "name": "20 Tauri"})
>>> for diff in maia.diff(maia3, duck_type=True):
        print diff
<DiffInfo: MODIFIED .name>
<DiffInfo: ADDED .spectral_type>

Naturally, this “duck typing” diff is only comparing properties defined in the normalize class. This functionality is useful for those transitioning from other similar systems or ad-hoc classes.

Collections and primary keys

When comparing collections, special behavior happens. In order to be able to tell the difference between a member in a collection being removed and replaced by a new one, or merely having a single field changed, normalize must know which of its fields uniquely identity it.

So, if we use the definitions:

from normalize import ListProperty, Property, Record, RecordList

class Star(Record):
    hip_id = Property(isa=int, required=True)
    primary_key = [hip_id]
    name = Property(isa=str)
    spectral_type = Property(isa=str)

class StarList(RecordList):
    itemtype = Star

Then there can be a sensible comparison:

>>> acent = StarList([Star(hip_id=71683, name='Alpha Centauri A'),
                      Star(hip_id=71681, name='Alpha Centauri B'),
                      Star(hip_id=70890, name='Alpha Centauri C')])
>>> acent_ab = StarList([
        {"hip_id": "71683", "name": 'Alpha Centauri A',
         "spectral_type": 'G2 V'},
        {"hip_id": "71681", "name": 'Alpha Centauri B',
         "spectral_type": 'K1 V'},
>>> for diff in acent.diff(acent_ab):
        print diff
<DiffInfo: REMOVED [2]>
<DiffInfo: ADDED [1].spectral_type>
<DiffInfo: ADDED [0].spectral_type>

Without this primary_key, the diff mechanism would only be able to match entries in the collection if all of their properties are identical:

>>> acent = StarList([Star(hip_id=71683, name='Alpha Centauri A'),
                      Star(hip_id=71681, name='Alpha Centauri B'),
                      Star(hip_id=70890, name='Alpha Centauri C')])
>>> acent_ab = StarList([
        {"hip_id": "71683", "name": 'Alpha Centauri A'},
        {"hip_id": "71681", "name": 'Alpha Centauri B',
         "spectral_type": 'K1 V'},
>>> for diff in acent.diff(acent_ab):
        print diff
<DiffInfo: REMOVED [2]>
<DiffInfo: REMOVED [1]>
<DiffInfo: ADDED [1]>

You can also get in trouble if you have properties which end up being non-hashable types (eg, an unparsed dict). These may throw errors when compared due to unhashability.

Marshaling to and from JSON

You can convert any Record to JSON using normalize.to_json:

>>> from normalize import from_json, to_json
>>> to_json(acent)
[{'hip_id': 71683, 'name': 'Alpha Centauri A'}, {'hip_id': 71681, 'name': 'Alpha Centauri B'}, {'hip_id': 70890, 'name': 'Alpha Centauri C'}]
>>> to_json(MultiFieldSelector([None, "hip_id"]).get(acent))
[{'hip_id': 71683}, {'hip_id': 71681}, {'hip_id': 70890}]

Note that it returns JSON data structures, which can be then passed to json.dumps or an equivalent function.

You can also convert back the other way using from_json (supports JSON strings or JSON data):

>>> from_json(Star, {'hip_id': 71683, 'name': 'Alpha Centauri A'})
Star(hip_id=71683, name='Alpha Centauri A')

If your classes derive JsonRecord, then the API gets even more convenient:

>>> class JsonStar(Star, JsonRecord):
>>> js = JsonStar('{"hip_id": 71683, "name": "Alpha Centauri A"}')
>>> js
JsonStar(hip_id=71683, name='Alpha Centauri A')
>>> js.json_data()
{'hip_id': 71683, 'name': 'Alpha Centauri A'}

Customizing JSON Conversion

Frequently, you have types which are not supported by the JSON data model. These properties need conversion functions for the transformation.

Revisiting the earlier example with a C library type, this might look like this:

import astrolib.coords as C
from normalize import Record, Property
class Star(Record):
    hip_id = Property(isa=int, required=True)
    name = Property(isa=str)
    right_ascention = Property(isa=float, json_name=None)
    declination = Property(isa=float, json_name=None)
    def make_position(self):
        return C.Position((self.right_ascention, self.declination))
    position = Property(isa=C.Position,
                        lazy=True, default=make_position,
                        json_out=lambda x: x.hmsdms())

Now, this type will round-trip to JSON:

>>> from normalize import from_json, to_json
>>> tcent = Star(hip_id=68933, name="Menkent",
                 right_ascention=226.67, declination=-36.367)
>>> to_json(tcent)
{'position': '15:06:40.800 -36:22:01.200', 'hip_id': 68933, 'name': 'Menkent'}
>>> from_json(Star, {'position': '15:06:40.800 -36:22:01.200', 'hip_id': 68933, 'name': 'Menkent'})
Star(hip_id=68933, name='Menkent', position=15h 6m 40.800s -36d 22m 1.200s (degrees))

There’s a couple of things to note in this.

First, practically: setting json_name to None supresses the attribute from being marshalled to and from JSON.

Secondly: JsonProperty arguments were passed to the Property constructor. Instead of Property failing, it looked to see what property types it knew of which supported that constructor argument, and created one of those instead.

Custom Visitor Classes

It’s trivial to write a visitor which applies a custom function to every value and reduces the compound results back into a single return value, using normalize.visitor.Visitor:

from normalize.visitor import Visitor

JSON_CAN_DUMP = (basestring, int, long, dict, list)

class SimpleDumper(Visitor):
    def apply(self, value, *args):
        if isinstance(value, JSON_CAN_DUMP):
            dumpable = value
        elif isinstance(value, datetime):
            dumpable = value.isoformat()
            raise Exception("Can't dump %r" % value)
        return dumpable

This class is now somewhat similar to to_json, except that it ignores all the json_* options that were passed to the Property field.

>>> SimpleDumper().map(acent)
{'name': 'Alpha Centauri',
       'components': [{'hip_id': 71683, 'name': 'Alpha Centauri A'},
                      {'hip_id': 71681, 'name': 'Alpha Centauri B'},
                      {'hip_id': 70890, 'name': 'Alpha Centauri C'}]}

I’d like to now proudly state that all of the visitor pattern functions in this module are implemented on top of this Visitor class. But, sadly, that is simply not true, yet.


This section has some notes based on some first impressions from early adopters that I think are noteworthy.

  • unintended successful coercion

    You’d better make sure that you don’t set a None default without adding types.NoneType to your isa= type constraint. Some types, after all, quite happily coerce from None:

    >>> class Sloppy(Record):
            anything = Property(isa=str, default=None)
    >>> slop = Sloppy()
    >>> slop.anything

    See Property Defaults and Empty psuedo-attributes above for a version which allows None, change your program to trap AttributeError for an unset attribute or mark it as required=True if that suits the problem better.

  • confusing, unsuccessful coercion

    Some types don’t have a very flexible default constructor. Take, for instance, datetime.datetime:

    from datetime import datetime
    class DatedObject(Record):
        timestamp = Property(isa=datetime)

    When you construct it using a string, it throws this fantastic and useful exception:

    >>> DatedObject(timestamp="2012-12-25T12:00")
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
      File "normalize/record/", line 28, in __init__
        meta_prop.init_prop(self, val)
      File "normalize/property/", line 101, in init_prop
        obj.__dict__[] = self.type_safe_value(value)
      File "normalize/property/", line 76, in type_safe_value
        value = self.coerce(value)
    TypeError: an integer is required
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
      File "normalize/record/", line 28, in __init__
        meta_prop.init_prop(self, val)
      File "normalize/property/", line 101, in init_prop
        obj.__dict__[] = self.type_safe_value(value)
      File "normalize/property/", line 76, in type_safe_value
        value = self.coerce(value)
    TypeError: an integer is required

    What happened there is that (according to the Property Type Coercion rules) the string value passed in did not pass isinstance(X, datetime) and so was passed to the default coercion function: the datetime constructor. However, the datetime constructor expects multiple positional arguments, not a string. So, it interpreted the first argument as an integer and failed without noticing that other required arguments were not present.

    You probably want to instead use a flexible conversion function like dateutil.parser.parse:

    from datetime import datetime
    from dateutil.parser import parse
    class DatedObject(Record):
        timestamp = Property(isa=datetime, coerce=parse)

    Which works more like you expect:

    >>> DatedObject(timestamp="2012-12-25T12:00")
    DatedObject(timestamp=datetime.datetime(2012, 12, 25, 12, 0))

    There’s one shipped with this module as which already does this. Did I mention this module comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY? :-) Patches and bug reports welcome.